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Eta now a 130 mph Cat 4 and eventually heads northward in complicated scenario; heads-up Florida:

Hurricane Eta continues to rapidly intensify; it's now a 130 mph Cat 4 with a minimum central pressure of 948 mb, and the NHC is projecting it to reach 150 mph before landfall tomorrow morning. While it will make a catastrophic landfall in Nicaragua and be torn apart, it will eventually re-emerge (or part of it will) into the Caribbean and re-strengthen. It's a very complicated, low-confidence scenario, but it should eventually head northward in the general direction of Florida (the 3rd image shows the Euro ensembles). It may take a while though, the last image is what the Euro is showing for 10 days from now.

In the meantime, it's going to be an amazing stretch of beautiful weather for Long Island and the northeast with sunny skies and mild temps from Thursday to Monday. Long Island will see highs mostly in the mid 60's.

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