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New 18Z Euro continues with colder solution for Long Island with a little bit of everything:

This video goes from 4 PM Monday to 7 AM Tuesday when the run ends. See previous post for a little more info as the GFS has a warmer solution.

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Feb 25, 2023

Wow, always makes me nervous 3 days out, never know what to expect. I’m hoping with fairly warm temps we‘ll have mostly non blacktop accumulation. I guess we’ll see how it plays out. I’m rooting for GFS.

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Yes, the new Euro is showing 5 inches of snow. Highest amounts may be on the north shore of Suffolk. I am going with 2 to 3 inches right now, but it will need to be fine-tuned, as its still uncertain. I posted the new snow maps just now at 3:45 AM and will have more posts.

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